A Simple Guide for College Athletes: Is Athletics & CBD a Good Match?


Athletics and CBD: A Match or Not? A Simple Guide for College Athletes

As college athletes strive to reach their peak performance, many are turning to CBD as a natural remedy for pain relief and improved overall health. However, there is still confusion about the relationship between athletics and CBD. Is it safe? Are there any risks? What does the science say?

In this guide, we'll answer these questions so that college athletes can make educated decisions about whether or not they should use CBD products in their athletic pursuits. We'll discuss what Cannabidiol is, its potential benefits for athletic performance, and how its effects may differ from those of other supplements like vitamins or minerals. Finally, we'll address safety concerns and legal issues related to using CBD while competing at an amateur level. With this information in hand, you can make an informed decision on whether athletics and CBD are a good match for your particular situation.

What Is CBD and How Does It Work in the Body

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring compound found in the hemp plant. It is non-intoxicating and has been reported to have various therapeutic effects, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. 

When ingested or applied topically, Cannabidiol interacts with our body's endocannabinoid system, stimulating the production of endocannabinoids like anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol. These molecules balance many physiological processes, such as sleep, mood, appetite, and pain perception. As a result, CBD may help athletes reduce inflammation and manage pain without the side effects often associated with other medications.

Potential Benefits of Using CBD for Athletic Performance

Studies have found that CBD may have many potential benefits for athletes. For instance, it may help reduce inflammation and soreness, relieve pain, improve focus and mental clarity, and accelerate recovery after strenuous exercise. Researchers also believe Cannabidiol can boost energy levels, allowing athletes to push further during workouts without feeling overly exhausted afterward. 

In addition, CBD may help athletes manage stress and anxiety, allowing them to relax and stay focused on their performance. So you can try delta 8 THC for recovery to help find the relief you need.

Moreover, CBD-infused products like topical creams or tinctures may provide targeted relief from joint pain or muscle soreness. It can help athletes stay in peak condition while competing in rigorous sports like running, basketball, and football. 

However, it is essential to note that more research is needed to understand Cannabidiol’s effects on athletic performance fully. Until then, athletes should consult with a physician before using any Cannabidiol product.

Safety Concerns & Legal Issues Related to Using CBD While Competing at an Amateur Level

WADA Prohibitions

While CBD is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks associated with using it while competing at an amateur level. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibits using any substance derived from cannabis plants for competition purposes. Therefore, athletes should be aware that using Cannabidiol while competing could result in a positive drug screening and disqualification from an event.

Checking the Components

Cannabidiol products may contain other substances banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) or other organizations. For this reason, athletes should always check the ingredients of any product before using it to ensure that it does not contain prohibited substances.

Local Legislation

Lastly, there are legal considerations regarding both national and state laws when taking CBD. In some places, CBD products may be subject to additional regulations or restrictions due to their association with cannabis. Therefore, athletes must familiarize themselves with local laws before using any Cannabidiol product.

Differences Between CBD and Other Supplements Used by Athletes

Cannabidiol is a natural compound found in hemp plants that has lately gained more attention from athletes looking for an alternative to traditional supplements. While it has similar therapeutic effects to that of other supplements, there are also some key differences between CBD and the products used by athletes today.

For starters, Cannabidiol is non-intoxicating and contains no psychoactive compounds. Therefore, it will not cause any "high" or impairment. Additionally, it does not build up in the body as some other supplements do, so there is no need to cycle on and off or take prolonged breaks from using Cannabidiol.

CBD also has some potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This means it may be beneficial for reducing inflammation, managing pain, and accelerating recovery time. In comparison, many traditional supplements do not provide these same benefits and are typically used as pre-workout energy boosters or post-workout muscle builders.

Conclusions & Final Recommendations 

CBD is gaining more attention from athletes as a safe and natural way to take advantage of potential therapeutic benefits regarding performance and recovery. However, it is crucial to remember that there are some safety concerns and law considerations when using Cannabidiol while competing at an amateur level. In addition, Cannabidiol differs from many traditional supplements athletes use today, so you should know how this may impact your performance.

Ultimately, whether you should combine CBD and athletics depends on several factors, such as your desired outcome, health condition, and goals. While more research is needed to understand the full range of effects it can have on athletic performance, early studies suggest that it is generally safe and could provide a viable alternative to pain medications. Nevertheless, athletes should always talk to their doctor before using any Cannabidiol product and be aware of potential side effects and legal implications.