How to Fit and Hit a 5-year Myth


A student who is about to graduate from college or University believes that a good job is somewhere sitting pretty and waiting for them like their college teacher was waiting for their academic term papers. This is a typical example of a myth; universally held beliefs which are at best falsehood. In this post, you are going to unravel to a greater extent, the true picture of myths. 

An ingredient of judgment

Apart from what happens in realms of education realm, employers usually have what they call a 5-year plan. Thus, when it comes to recruiting new talents, job interviews and review of CVs are conducted based on such myths.  But the question is; does it hold water?

Myths have become deeply ingrained in employability evaluation at the hiring stage.  And it is always hard to beat such strong beliefs especially if they are aligned with an organization’s culture.

How to fit in

Now, the moment you realize it is almost impossible to find a good job if not through aligning one’s self to such beliefs; it is always the beginning of challenges.  Thus, it is imperative to learn the tricks and how to hit the ground running.  Take a look further for some insights on how to go about everything mythical after graduating.

Looking for a job too long is bad

After college, most fresh graduates have their eyes fixed on executive jobs. However, this is not always an instant coffee.  In fact, many have ended up losing hope when a dream job is hard to come by.  ‘Looking for a job too long is bad,’ is a myth most people believe. As result, you can’t stop feeling like a failure if things do not go as planned.

Part-time work for an article writing company like E Writing Service equips one with more experience and a good job is worth the wait.

Working at one place less than a year shows instability

Typically, employers are not always ready to let go of their best talents. They do anything to hold onto them for as long as possible.  However, because some believe if you stay on the same job for over a year, it is a pointer to instability, you would want to quit. Well, that’s just a mythical and demystified by the fact that one can grow through the ranks and become a top executive in a company for which he or she works. As they say, patience pays.

No career growth for 2-3 years closes doors

A good number of recruiters hold this notion as true yet is only a fairytale. Opportunities for growth do not always come easily and for those who are looking for them; it takes time to land something significant. In the end, everything points to more experience for better performance.  It has nothing to do with lack of ambition.

Successful people have a 5-year plan

While it is good to plan and execute, a notion that those who succeed in life have a 5-year plan is as mythical as it is false. You must know so many people out there who get hold of every opportunity that comes their way even if it disrupts their plans and still stays on course to better days ahead.

Absence of Hobbies

Have you ever asked someone what they consider a hobby and they responded by saying they have none?  It must have made you outright doubtful regarding their potential, right? Well, it happens most of the times in recruitment exercises. Questions like how you can spend your money during free time can be tricky but it is imperative to note that some people spend more time thinking about their work routines that holidaying. Some do not even know how to spend lots of money in the first place.

The bottom line

Myths can be misleading because most do not align with the laws of nature and are not universal truths.  They can also lead to self-affliction and wrong decisions. So, before you choose what to believe, it is imperative to demystify truths from lies.